When you think about a virtual event, the first thing that comes to your mind is either an online webinar with simple presentation slides or a hangout session with your friends. Most of the time, we see that there is little to no variation at all, apart from the information.
What if we told you that you could do more with your virtual events? What if there is a way to make your audience more engaged and involved in your online events? It’s time to make your event as memorable and impactful as possible with the Best Free Tools To Make Your Virtual Event Stand Out.
1. Kahoot
Image Credit to Sarah van den Berg
Image Credit to Meaningful Ed
Kahoot is a fun and interactive quiz platform that is easily accessible by anyone with a laptop and an internet connection. With Kahoot, creating your own quiz is as simple as drag and drop. Points are also awarded by the speed and accuracy of the answer, creating a competitive element that is sure to draw the attention of your audience. Interject your virtual events with some frequent Kahoot quizzes to keep it fresh and exciting for your audience!
2. Mentimeter
Image Credit to Mentimeter
In a virtual webinar filled with hundreds of people, it may be quite the task to have an accurate gauge of your audience’s portfolio. Mentimeter transforms that disadvantage into a positive plus-point through their anonymous online poll system. The results are displayed in real-time and can take the form of a word cloud and different types of scale representations. Now, you no longer have to worry about your audience being afraid to speak up or feeling left out
Image Credit to Promote
Furthermore, they have an intriguing Q&A section where the audience can upvote questions they like, allowing you to make your virtual webinar as value-adding as possible.
3. Animated Virtual Backgrounds
Many virtual webinar platforms allow you to customise your background. Don’t let that feature go to waste when you can do something amazing like this!
Host your virtual meeting from an animated background of your favourite place and include QR codes that are linked to your company’s website. Let your brand shine by including your brand colours and name. With a guaranteed 24 hour turnaround, check out how you can customise your background here!
4. Poll Everywhere
Image Credit to PollEverywhere
Poll Everywhere is another great alternative to discover insights quickly. You can choose from a wide variety of formats to present your question and results in real-time. With these results, it helps to provide potential knowledge gaps and areas of interest for you to address. Responding is as simple as joining the link given or through text messaging. If needed, you can even generate reports from the quizzes to aid in your future virtual events.
5. Telegram Quizbot
Image Credit to Telegram Bot
Telegram is slowly taking over the top spot in Singapore as the messaging app of choice. With many features that separates itself from Whatsapp, is it really a surprise that Telegram even includes a quiz feature? Head over to @Quizbot on Telegram and follow the step-by-step instructions to create your first quiz. Once you are done, invite your audience into a chat with the QuizBot who will help facilitate your quiz! All answers are anonymous of course.
6. Padlet
Image Credit to Teacherlink@USU
Image Credit to WriteCenter
Padlet is similar to a whiteboard in the classroom where we can pin out sticky notes, except it’s online and the sticky notes have videos and pictures embedded on it. Padlet creates a space for collaboration where participants can easily add in their inputs and questions.
Celebrate anywhere with Venuerific!
For more inspiration on how to enhance your virtual event experience, check out these blogs here:
- Animated Virtual Backgrounds for 10 Types of Online Events
- What You Might Mis Out While Planning A Webinar