5 Fun Activities to Do During Earth Hour in Singapore like Spiral Light Photography

This year, on 28th March, 8.30 pm, Singapore’s magnificent skyline dims for an hour, in support of Earth Hour. For a city that never sleeps, this is a rare time of dormancy – it almost feels post-apocalyptic. Don’t waste this enthralling night doing nothing. Instead, participate in 5 Fun Activities to Do During Earth Hour in Singapore.

1. Stream Earth Hour ‘Live and Unplugged’ at home

Image Credit to Artsrepublic SG

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) promises something special for Earth Hour every year and this year is no exception. In 2020, the event will take the form of a globally accessible digital live stream. In the comfort of your own home, tune in to live music that features many prominent artists such as Nathan Hartono and Benjamin Kheng. Then, deepen your understanding regarding environmental protection with some real talk by prominent environmental change-makers. We all have to do our part for the Earth and the WWF live stream is the best avenue for you to start!

2. Try out Spiral Light Photography with Your Smartphone

Image Credit to Jason Rinehart

Image Credit to Chad Verzosa

With the darkened city skyline as your backdrop, create your own aesthetically pleasing spiral light photos that will stun all your Instagram followers. For those without a DSLR, you will be happy to know that you are able to create such marvellous effects using only your camera phone. Don’t worry about being embarrassed by spinning around in MBS with a light stick. It’s worth it for the gram and no one can see you in the dark anyway.

3. Organise Games Night at Home With Your Family


If you are an avid fan of Korean variety shows or watched American sitcoms like Big Bang Theory, you would definitely see them having a fun time playing games! This 28th March, ditch the usual drinking sessions or cinema outings. Though it’s not a habit in Singapore, hosting a game night by playing trivia or board games can actually be a very entertaining way of spending the night. Since it’s Earth Hour, do your part for the Earth and light up the room with only candle lights. Envelop yourself in the atmosphere of exclusivity and intimacy for a memorable night!

4. Watch Eye-Opening Nature Documentaries on Netflix

In this critical period when we cannot travel anywhere, nature documentaries serve as our lens to the outside world. Just by laying down on the couch at home, find yourself transported to a whole new world. Relieve amazing experiences in the wild that only a select few have the fortune to witness. From swimming beside giant walruses in the icy seas of Alaska to trudging beside silverback gorillas in the dense Congo forests, nature documentaries are a work of art in its own.

P.S Did you know flamingos live in the desert?

5. Bike Through the Night

Image Credit to Straits Time

Image Credit to Viatour

During Earth Hour, explore the darkened streets of Singapore’s CBD in an eco-friendly manner with bicycles. It would definitely be a night-cycling experience that is out of the norm. 

For those who don’t own a bike, try out the three remaining bike-sharing applications in Singapore- Anywheel, SG Bike and Moov Technology. It is a cost-efficient and unique way of exploring our homeland like never before!

Celebrate anywhere with Venuerific!

As Earth Hour approaches, we hope that everyone will take the time to re-evaluate our environmental decisions and its impact on the world. Join the Venuerific team as we work towards making celebrations more sustainable. When this crisis ends (hopefully soon), start planning your own sustainable parties with these  “5 Practical Ways to Host An Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Party in Singapore”.

*Please adhere to Social Distancing & other government regulations when partaking in any social activities.

Earth Hour in Singapore 2020

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