“You don’t marry the person you can live with. You marry the person you can’t live without.”
A Wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage and a time to celebrate this joyous and special moment!
These days, lots of couples (especially in Indonesia) contemplate on whether to do an intimate or a big wedding. Many of the more conservative families tend to have big weddings because they want to invite all of their relatives, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, neighbors. In other words, they want to let the whole world to know that their son / daughter is getting married. However, more of the modern thinkers begs to differ! They would prefer a more intimate wedding rather than having an extravagant wedding with too many people in it.
Here are the pros and cons of intimate and big weddings!
Big Weddings
1. No need to get stressed over the guest list ??
For Big Weddings, you don’t have to choose between friend A or friend B because you can just invite both of them. The main concept of Big Wedding is “The More the Merrier”, you can just invite all and let them know that you’re getting married!
2. Personal Satisfaction
You will get your personal satisfaction because you can celebrate your most important moment with your loved ones. This only happens once in your lifetime through a grand celebration. You may even come up with an elaborate wedding theme!
3. When planned properly, you may get a Free Honeymoon!
With proper execution of plans and awesome invitations, you might even profit from having a big wedding. A friend of mine had a big wedding with around 2000 guests, (for Indonesians and many other asian countries, people come to wedding receptions bearing red pockets $_$) not only did the red pockets covered the wedding expenses, they even got an extra $70k to spare for their honeymoon! So it comes down to inviting the right people to your wedding! Or just having pure luck to have 1 guest give a $50k red pocket! LOL!
1.High Expenses
With the high number of guests that you’ve invited, you will spend more money on the catering, and renting out the bigger venues. You will need to spend extra on the invitations and souvenirs as well.
2. Busy Busy Busy!
Having a Big wedding ceremony will consume more time because a lot more planning has to be done. It takes extra work thinking about a large number of details, and it can cause wedding stress. Watch out Bridezilla !!
3. Less Personal & Hygiene >.< !
Not all the guests invited are people you know! In a big wedding, you won’t have enough time to spend with your close friends and family. For the Indonesians, BIG weddings means standing on a fully decorated stage and shaking hands with 90% of the guests, of which you most likely have never met in your life! Imagine giving out invitations to 500 people, then multiply it by two, so brace yourself to shake around 900 hands in 1 night. Germs Germs Germs!
Here are some places in Indonesia perfect for Big Weddings:
Integrity Convention Centre
Intimate Weddings
1.Low Expense
With low number of guests, you can push your budget to a minimum because you don’t need to pay more for the catering, souvenirs and invitations. You don’t need to rent out a big venue for your wedding reception as well. Instead you can allocate your budget for your honeymoon or future living costs.
2.Less Busy or Stress
More people means more stress because there are a lot more needs. You will still need time planning your Intimate wedding, but it will not be as tiring as planning for a big wedding. Hence you’ll have the time to actually pamper yourself ! Spa time baby!
3. More Personal or Intimate
The people that you invite to your intimate wedding are only your closest friends and relatives, so you can share more quality time with them for your most important moment in your life.
4. You get to have FUN!
With less time SHAKING HANDS, you get to have FUN FUN FUN!!! Honestly I had a big wedding so I DID NOT have fun whatsoever. But these couples certainly did!
Check these guys out! What an awesome way to celebrate your special day:
1. Offending some people ?
Some people might not get invited due to the guest limit, people who are actually happy and excited to see you get married. It miiiiiight offend them!
2. You can’t invite everyone you want
With the limited number of guests that are able to attend, you will only be able to invite a a select few. What if you have a lot of friends and families? You will really need to choose wisely whom to invite.
3. May experience some regret over going ‘too small’ for wedding ceremony
Not being able to invite all of your friends and having more wedding elements for your wedding reception will make experience some regret over going ‘too small’ for the most important event in your life.
Here are some places in Indonesia perfect for Intimate Weddings:
Cassis Kitchen
How to have your friends and family overseas join your wedding?
The limitations of distance can no longer stop you from having your friends or family to join you in the most important celebration of your life. We introduce to you The Virtual Wedding by Venuerific.
Because we know how much it means to you, we are happy to share with you our new service so you don’t need to worry about the online virtual wedding. With our very own professional production team, we are committed to providing high-quality broadcasting with the on-site camera crew and floor managers to help your guests have an equally fun experience virtually at your wedding!